benefits of journaling

Top 3 Reasons You Should Make Journaling a Daily Habit

Developing a discipline for recording your thoughts in a journal will provide a myriad of benefits, including helping you to navigate life’s many ups and downs. One way that may surprise you is that journaling provides a window into your past.

4 ways to recognize deceptive words and people

Do you sometimes wonder how to tell if your partner is lying to you? You might suspect they’re lying about something small. Maybe you’re worried they’re keeping something more important from you. Wives tend to keep secrets from their husbands and lie to protect their secrets. Husbands lie because they see no benefit to telling their wives the truth.

10 Clues He May Not Be The One For You

We’ve all been there. We’ve all found ourselves looking at our boyfriend or husband knowing full well that he’s not the right guy for us. Yet we try to make the best of it. We hope things will change. We hope HE will change. We hope WE will change.
Woman using strength to climb up rocky cliffe

Strength When Life Gets Rough

When life gets rough, we have to make a choice. We can allow ourselves to be overcome by negative feelings and give up. Or we can develop effective ways to cope with any of life’s (many) obstacles.