Advocacy Circle Marriage & Infidelity Counseling

5 Little Known Facts About Cheating Husbands

Think You Know How To Sniff Out Cheating Husbands? [Updated]

You will be surprised to learn these 5 little known facts about cheating husbands. Most women believe they know how to sniff out a guy who cheats. Do you think you know exactly what a cheating cad looks like? He’s a player. He’s tanned and handsome. And of course, he’s athletic. The cheating husband cruises through every cluster of cocktail-napkined women. He always nails his entrance with just the right compliments.

Predictably, the cheater is always married to someone else. Right? It is not your husband. It couldn’t be.

Your husband is bald and wears glasses. He sports an extra twenty pounds. Your husband spends most of his time scanning dog-eared books on how to get his lawn looking greener. Maybe you think you’re safe. But you’re wrong. You would be interested to know that most of the husbands who come into my office with their shellshocked wives have very green lawns. As many years as I have been helping couples understand how an action of unfaithfulness actually happened, I find myself surprised much of the time as well.

5 Facts Which May Surprise You About Cheating Husbands

Cheating husbands report  virtually no sexual contact at home. This is confirmed by their wives. And yes, the same wives who long for an emotional connection with their spouses. So I know this to be true as well. Of all the cheating husbands I encounter in my office, without exception,

they feelings of loneliness and

They fell like outsiders within their own families. They spend less time at home; commuters are especially vulnerable to feelings of isolation and marginalization. When their children are closer to their mothers, they’re heartbroken.

They feel unappreciated. They often say that they come in second or third in their spouse’s list of priorities. Some don’t even make their wives’ lists at all.

they long to feel desired by a woman.

Additionally, they seek to know that they can still please a woman sexually.