Category: Personal Development

  • Do You Have the 9 Traits of All Tough-Minded People?

    Do You Have the 9 Traits of All Tough-Minded People?

    Today I’d like to tackle the subject of being a mentally tough-minded person. Which I think is a GOOD thing! In a relationship, it can be difficult to find a balance between the yin and the yang, the male and the female, the softness and the grit. But I think a relationship works best when…

  • Five Ways to Avoid Arguing

    Five Ways to Avoid Arguing

    When your partner and you disagree on the solution to a problem or a particular course of action, do you discuss or do you argue? Knowing the difference between a discussion and an argument is crucial to the health of your relationship. Here are five ways to avoid arguing with another person.  Understanding Argument An…

  • Individual Counseling For Women

    Individual Counseling For Women

    The best way to become your own best friend is to invest in your future happiness through individual counseling for women. The female species, whether born that way or culturally conditioned, usually puts everyone else’s needs ahead of her own. Individual counseling for women, personal counseling just for you, is essential. You deserve the same care…

  • Givers Train Takers

    Givers Train Takers

    Give and ye shall receive, right? Of course, to a certain extend that is true, but if you look a little bit more closely at the concept, you will see that you might actually be setting yourself up for disappointment. Because givers train takers by accident.