Advocacy Circle Marriage & Infidelity Counseling

Category: Personal Development

  • Individual Counseling For Women

    Individual Counseling For Women

    The best way to become your own best friend is to invest in your future happiness through individual counseling for women. The female species, whether born that way or culturally conditioned, usually puts everyone else’s needs ahead of her own. Individual counseling for women, personal counseling just for you, is essential. You deserve the same care…

  • Givers Train Takers

    Givers Train Takers

    Give and ye shall receive, right? Of course, to a certain extend that is true, but if you look a little bit more closely at the concept, you will see that you might actually be setting yourself up for disappointment. Because givers train takers by accident.

  • The Trained Client

    The Trained Client

    There are a lot of people out there, primarily women, who have been trained by previous mental health professionals to behave in a certain way. This trained behavior is advantageous to the therapist and, in my opinion, is not at all in the best interest of the client. I recognize the trained client the moment…

  • Psychotherapy Is Yesterday’s News

    Psychotherapy Is Yesterday’s News

    Solution-focused therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy, are what my clients seek. They want to feel better quickly, and they want to know how they can help themselves without having to come into my office every time life throws them a curve ball. Psychotherapy is a thing of the past.