12 Essentials for Recovering from Infidelity
As a couple’s therapist, I have specialized in Infidelity work for over 15 years. Most couples I meet have a positive outcome, because most couples who want their marriage to survive go to a therapist who specializes in infidelity. It’s been my experience that we all get what we’re truly looking for. If one or…
6 Secrets of Giving a Great Apology
I want to teach you today about how to deliver a great apology. It’s one of those things that we all think we do pretty well, but in truth, there’s a whole lot of room for improvement. For all of us. BIG people know how to apologize well. Giants, actually. Start by saying “I am…
12 Essentials for Recovering from Infidelity
As a couple’s therapist, I have specialized in Infidelity work for over 15 years. Most couples I meet have a positive outcome, because most couples who want their marriage to survive go to a therapist who specializes in infidelity. It’s been my experience that we all get what we’re truly looking for. If one or…