Will America’s Divorce Rates Soar Like China’s?
COVID-19 isn’t the only pandemic ravaging China. The outcome of too much togetherness is making the country’s divorce rate go viral too. Both Bloomberg and The Hill report that too much time together, at least when it’s poorly managed, is hazardous to your marriage. Let’s pay attention to what’s happening to marriages in China —…
Why Infidelity Occurs in a Marriage
Newly engaged couples are rarely thinking about why infidelity occurs in a marriage. “For better or for worse” is a phrase that’s easy to say, but difficult to live through. Mostly because every marriage is different. Most of us think “for worse” means financial struggles, illness, accident, or other external factors. What we don’t realize is many other problems…
Marriage Counseling For Infidelity in CT
There is no way to know how many couples recover completely without marriage counseling for infidelity in CT. What I can tell you is that I have had many couples who have waited a year, grew further apart, and finally made their first appointment. To be honest, couples who go without marriage counseling for infidelity for…