Advocacy Circle Marriage & Infidelity Counseling

Tag: relationships

  • Understanding Personality Types: the World

    Understanding Personality Types: the World

    The Power of Personality Types Understanding personality types is an important step to creating lasting relationships. As Isabel Briggs Meyers said, “It is up to each person to recognize his or her true preferences.” Knowing ourselves and honoring our preferences is key to individual confidence and satisfaction. Yet many of us may not be aware…

  • Lying: 3 Ways to Tell If Your Partner Is Lying to You

    Lying: 3 Ways to Tell If Your Partner Is Lying to You

    Do you sometimes wonder if your partner is lying to you? You might suspect he’s lying about something small. Maybe you’re worried she’s keeping something more important from you. Wives tend to keep secrets from their husbands and lie to protect their secrets. Husbands lie because they see no benefit to telling their wives the…

  • Why Infidelity Occurs in a Marriage

    Why Infidelity Occurs in a Marriage

    Newly engaged couples are rarely thinking about why infidelity occurs in a marriage. “For better or for worse” is a phrase that’s easy to say, but difficult to live through. Mostly because every marriage is different. Most of us think “for worse” means financial struggles, illness, accident, or other external factors. What we don’t realize is many other problems…

  • 5 Infidelity Recovery Mistakes

    5 Infidelity Recovery Mistakes

      If you have been betrayed by the person you love, there are five infidelity recovery mistakes that you can choose NOT to do that will make your life a lot less painful. I know that some of what I suggest may be difficult, but in the end, you might be grateful you followed my…