Category: Infidelity

  • Facebook Infidelity

    Facebook Infidelity

    Facebook infidelity had become a very common source for marital unfaithfulness. It usually starts off innocently. It is normal to wonder what high school classmates and college dorm friends are now doing.

  • Is My Husband Cheating On Me

    Is My Husband Cheating On Me

    Many women ask me if the act of their husband cheating on them is their fault. The answer is no.

  • Extramarital Affair

    Extramarital Affair

    You Might Not Know that your spouse is having an Extramarital Affair. People decide to have an extramarital affair more than you might think, and it could be happening in your relationship right now. In the United States, more than 60% of all marriages are, at some time, impacted by an act of unfaithfulness. Some…