4 ways to recognize deceptive words and people

Do you sometimes wonder how to tell if your partner is lying to you? You might suspect they’re lying about something small. Maybe you’re worried they’re keeping something more important from you. Wives tend to keep secrets from their husbands and lie to protect their secrets. Husbands lie because they see no benefit to telling their wives the truth.

5 Ways to Tell They’re Lying

To be fair, in my work with couples over many years, there are people who I thought were lying and they actually were not. And there were also people I believed were truthful, who were lying the entire time.

6 Tips to Use When It’s Over

Painful information is difficult to deliver. It takes courage, a plan, and a whole lot of mutual respect. But mostly courage! So be thoughtful and sensitive, but you also have to be decisive.

6 Surprising Traits Men Seek In Women

Most women think that what the average man is looking for today in a female partner depends on how old he is, maybe his upbringing, and perhaps even his level of education.